Source code for

As a part of ``CyLP.python.pivots`` it implements Dantzig's
Classical Simplex pivot rule. Although it already exists in CLP,
for testing purposes we implement one in Python.

import sys
import numpy as np
from operator import itemgetter
from random import shuffle
from math import floor
from PivotPythonBase import PivotPythonBase

[docs]class DantzigPivot(PivotPythonBase): ''' Dantzig's pivot rule implementation. **Usage** >>> from import CyClpSimplex >>> from import DantzigPivot >>> from import getMpsExample >>> # Get the path to a sample mps file >>> f = getMpsExample() >>> s = CyClpSimplex() >>> s.readMps(f) # Returns 0 if OK 0 >>> pivot = DantzigPivot(s) >>> s.setPivotMethod(pivot) >>> s.primal() 'optimal' >>> round(s.objectiveValue, 5) 2520.57174 ''' def __init__(self, clpModel): self.dim = clpModel.nRows + clpModel.nCols self.clpModel = clpModel def pivotColumn(self, updates, spareRow1, spareRow2, spareCol1, spareCol2): 'Finds the variable with the best reduced cost and returns its index' s = self.clpModel # Update the reduced costs, for both the original and the slack variables if updates.nElements: s.updateColumnTranspose(spareRow2, updates) s.transposeTimes(-1, updates, spareCol2, spareCol1) s.reducedCosts[s.nVariables:][updates.indices] -= updates.elements[:updates.nElements] s.reducedCosts[:s.nVariables][spareCol1.indices] -= spareCol1.elements[:spareCol1.nElements] updates.clear() spareCol1.clear() rc = s.reducedCosts tol = s.dualTolerance indicesToConsider = np.where(s.varNotFlagged & s.varNotFixed & s.varNotBasic & (((rc > tol) & s.varIsAtUpperBound) | ((rc < -tol) & s.varIsAtLowerBound) | s.varIsFree))[0] #freeVarInds = np.where(s.varIsFree) #rc[freeVarInds] *= 10 rc2 = np.abs(rc[indicesToConsider]) checkFree = True #rc2[np.where((status & 7 == 4) | (status & 7 == 0))] *= 10 if rc2.shape[0] > 0: if checkFree: w = np.where(s.varIsFree)[0] if w.shape[0] > 0: ind = s.argWeightedMax(rc2, indicesToConsider, 1, w) else: ind = np.argmax(rc2) else: ind = np.argmax(rc2) #del rc2 return indicesToConsider[ind] return -1 def saveWeights(self, model, mode): self.clpModel = model def isPivotAcceptable(self): return True
def getMpsExample(): import os import inspect cylpDir = os.environ['CYLP_SOURCE_DIR'] return os.path.join(cylpDir, 'CyLP', 'input', 'p0033.mps') if __name__ == "__main__": if len(sys.argv) == 1: import doctest doctest.testmod() else: from import CyClpSimplex from import DantzigPivot s = CyClpSimplex() s.readMps(sys.argv[1]) pivot = DantzigPivot(s) s.setPivotMethod(pivot) s.primal()