Module provide a facility to model a linear program.
Although the current usage is to pass the resulting LP to CLP
to solve it is independant of the solver.
.. _modeling-usage:
**Usage (single dimension, using CyLPModel indirectly)**
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from CyLP.cy import CyClpSimplex
>>> from CyLP.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPArray
>>> s = CyClpSimplex()
>>> # Add variables
>>> x = s.addVariable('x', 3)
>>> y = s.addVariable('y', 2)
>>> # Create coefficients and bounds
>>> A = np.matrix([[1., 2., 0],[1., 0, 1.]])
>>> B = np.matrix([[1., 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.]])
>>> D = np.matrix([[1., 2.],[0, 1]])
>>> a = CyLPArray([5, 2.5])
>>> b = CyLPArray([4.2, 3])
>>> x_u= CyLPArray([2., 3.5])
>>> # Add constraints
>>> s += A * x <= a
>>> s += 2 <= B * x + D * y <= b
>>> s += y >= 0
>>> s += 1.1 <= x[1:3] <= x_u
>>> # Set the objective function
>>> c = CyLPArray([1., -2., 3.])
>>> s.objective = c * x + 2 * y.sum()
>>> # Solve using primal Simplex
>>> s.primal()
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['x']
array([ 0.2, 2. , 1.1])
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['y']
array([ 0. , 0.9])
>>> s += x[2] + y[1] >= 2.1
>>> s.primal()
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['x']
array([ 0. , 2. , 1.1])
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['y']
array([ 0., 1.])
**Usage (single dimension, using CyLPModel directly, depending on the
size could be faster than the indirect approach)**
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from CyLP.cy import CyClpSimplex
>>> from CyLP.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPModel, CyLPArray
>>> model = CyLPModel()
>>> # Add variables
>>> x = model.addVariable('x', 3)
>>> y = model.addVariable('y', 2)
>>> # Create coefficients and bounds
>>> A = np.matrix([[1., 2., 0],[1., 0, 1.]])
>>> B = np.matrix([[1., 0, 0], [0, 0, 1.]])
>>> D = np.matrix([[1., 2.],[0, 1]])
>>> a = CyLPArray([5, 2.5])
>>> b = CyLPArray([4.2, 3])
>>> x_u= CyLPArray([2., 3.5])
>>> # Add constraints
>>> model += A * x <= a
>>> model += 2 <= B * x + D * y <= b
>>> model += y >= 0
>>> model += 1.1 <= x[1:3] <= x_u
>>> # Set the objective function
>>> c = CyLPArray([1., -2., 3.])
>>> model.objective = c * x + 2 * y.sum()
>>> # Create a CyClpSimplex instance from the model
>>> s = CyClpSimplex(model)
>>> # Solve using primal Simplex
>>> s.primal()
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['x']
array([ 0.2, 2. , 1.1])
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['y']
array([ 0. , 0.9])
>>> s += x[2] + y[1] >= 2.1
>>> s.primal()
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['x']
array([ 0. , 2. , 1.1])
>>> s.primalVariableSolution['y']
array([ 0., 1.])
**Usage (multi-dimensions, using CyLPModel indirectly)**
>>> from CyLP.cy import CyClpSimplex
>>> from CyLP.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPArray
>>> s = CyClpSimplex()
>>> x = s.addVariable('x', (5, 3, 6))
>>> s += 2 * x[2, :, 3].sum() + 3 * x[0, 1, :].sum() >= 5
>>> s += 0 <= x <= 1
>>> c = CyLPArray(range(18))
>>> s.objective = c * x[2, :, :] + c * x[0, :, :]
>>> s.primal()
>>> sol = s.primalVariableSolution['x']
>>> abs(sol[0, 1, 0] - 1) <= 10**-6
>>> abs(sol[2, 0, 3] - 1) <= 10**-6
from itertools import product
from copy import deepcopy
from operator import mul
import numpy as np
import resource
from scipy import sparse
from scipy.sparse import identity, lil_matrix
from CyLP.py.utils.util import Ind, getMultiDimMatrixIndex, getTupleIndex
NUMBERS = (int, float, long, np.int64, np.int32, np.double)
def isNumber(n):
return (isinstance(n, NUMBERS) or
(isinstance(n, CyLPArray) and n.shape == ()))
# Increase max stack size from 8MB to 512MB
#resource.setrlimit(resource.RLIMIT_STACK, (2**5,-1))
#from CyLP.py.utils.sparseUtil import sparseConcat
def I(n):
Return a sparse identity matrix of size *n*
if n <= 0:
return None
#return csc_matrixPlus(sparse.eye(n, n))
return identity(n).tocsr()
def identitySub(var):
Return a sparse row sub-matrix of the identity matrix
for ``var``.
n = var.dim
if var.parent != None:
n = var.parent.dim
if var.dim == 1:
m = lil_matrix((1, n))
m[0, var.indices[0]] = 1
return m
return I(n)[var.indices, :]
class CyLPExpr:
operators = ('>=', '<=', '==', '+', '-', '*', 'u-', 'sum')
def __init__(self, opr='', left='', right=''):
self.opr = opr
self.left = left
self.right = right
self.expr = self
#self.variables = []
def __hash__(self):
return id(self)
def __repr__(self):
s = '%s %s %s' % (self.left, self.right, self.opr)
return s
def __le__(self, other):
v = CyLPExpr(opr="<=", right=other, left=self.expr)
self.expr = v
return v
def __ge__(self, other):
v = CyLPExpr(opr=">=", right=other, left=self.expr)
self.expr = v
return v
def __eq__(self, other):
# Check if both sides are CyLPVar, in which case a pythonic
# comparison is meant (for dictionary keys,...)
if (other == None):
return False
if isinstance(self, CyLPVar) and isinstance(other, CyLPVar):
return id(self) == id(other)
#return (str(self) == str(other))
v = CyLPExpr(opr="==", right=other, left=self.expr)
self.expr = v
return v
def __rmul__(self, other):
v = CyLPExpr(opr="*", left=other, right=self)
v.expr = v
self.expr = v
return v
def __rsub__(self, other):
v = CyLPExpr(opr="-", left=other, right=self)
v.expr = v
self.expr = v
return v
def __radd__(self, other):
v = CyLPExpr(opr="+", left=other, right=self)
v.expr = v
self.expr = v
return v
def __neg__(self):
v = CyLPExpr(opr="u-", right=self)
v.expr = v
self.expr = v
return v
def getPostfix(self):
if isinstance(self, CyLPVar):
return [self]
left = [self.left]
right = [self.right]
if isinstance(self.left, CyLPExpr):
left = self.left.getPostfix()
if isinstance(self.right, CyLPExpr):
right = self.right.getPostfix()
return left + right + [self.opr]
def evaluate(self, name=''):
Evaluates an expression in the postfix form
#FIXME: sometimes calling this twice is different than running it once
tokens = self.getPostfix()
operands = []
cons = CyLPConstraint(name)
for token in tokens:
# If an operand found
if type(token) != str or token not in CyLPExpr.operators:
if (isinstance(token, CyLPVar)):
varToBeAdded = token
if not varToBeAdded in cons.variables:
# Else we know what to do with an operator
if token == 'u-':
right = operands.pop()
cons.perform(token, right=right)
operands.append(CyLPExpr(token, right=right))
right = operands.pop()
left = operands.pop()
cons.perform(token, left, right)
operands.append(CyLPExpr(token, left, right))
# If something remains in the *operands* list, it means
# that we have a single CyLPVar object on a line with no
# operators operating on it. Check this situation and
# add a 1 vector as its coefficient
if len(operands) == 1 and isinstance(operands[0], CyLPVar):
var = operands[0]
cons.varCoefs[var] = identitySub(var) #np.ones(var.dim)
# Reset variables for future constraints
for var in cons.varCoefs.keys():
var.expr = var
return cons
class CyLPConstraint:
gid = 0
def __init__(self, name=''):
self.varNames = []
self.parentVarDims = {}
self.varCoefs = {}
self.lower = None
self.upper = None
self.nRows = None
self.isRange = True
self.variables = []
if not name:
CyLPConstraint.gid += 1
name = 'R_%d' % CyLPConstraint.gid
self.name = name
def __repr__(self):
s = '\n'
s += 'constraint %s:\n' % self.name
s += 'variable names:\n'
s += str(self.varNames) + '\n'
s += 'coefficients:\n'
s += str(self.varCoefs) + '\n'
s += 'lower = %s\n' % str(self.lower)
s += 'upper = %s\n' % str(self.upper)
if self.isRange:
s += 'Constraint is a range\n'
s += 'normal Constarint\n'
return s
def mul(self, expr, coef):
Recursively multiplies all variable coefficients in *expr* by *coef*
if isinstance(expr, CyLPVar):
self.varCoefs[expr] *= coef
if isinstance(expr, CyLPExpr):
if expr.left == None:
self.mul(expr.right, coef)
self.mul(expr.left, coef)
def perform(self, opr, left=None, right=None):
if isinstance(right, CyLPVar):
if right.dim == 0:
if right.name not in self.varNames:
self.parentVarDims[right.name] = right.parentDim
if opr == 'u-':
#ones = -CyLPArray(np.ones(right.dim))
#self.nRows = right.dim
#self.varCoefs[right] = ones
self.varCoefs[right] = -identitySub(right)
self.nRows = len(right.indices)
self.isRange = False
elif opr == 'sum':
n = right.dim
if right.parent != None:
n = right.parent.dim
self.varCoefs[right] = sparse.lil_matrix((1, n))
self.varCoefs[right][0, right.indices] = np.ones(len(right.indices))
self.nRows = 1
self.isRange = False
#self.parentVarDims[right.name] = right.parentDim
dim = right.dim
if opr == "*": # Setting the coefficients
# Ignore a term if its coef is None
if isNumber(left):
if self.nRows and self.nRows != 1:
raise Exception("Expected 1-dimensional" \
" coefficient")
#self.nRows = 1
#coef = CyLPArray(left * np.ones(dim))
coef = left * identitySub(right)
self.nRows = len(right.indices)
if left == None:
if right.dim != left.shape[-1]:
raise Exception("Coefficient:\n%s\n has %d" \
" columns expected %d"
% (left, left.shape[1], right.dim))
if len(left.shape) == 1: # Array
nr = 1
nr = left.shape[0]
#nr = len(left)
if self.nRows and self.nRows != nr:
raise Exception("Coefficient:\n%s\n has %d rows" \
" expected %d"
% (left, left.shape[0], self.nRows))
self.nRows = nr
if right.parent == None:
coef = deepcopy(left)
coef = sparse.lil_matrix((nr, right.parent.dim))
coef[:, right.indices] = left
self.varCoefs[right] = coef
self.isRange = False
if opr == '+' or opr == '-':
# No coefs for left op
self.isRange = False
if isinstance(left, CyLPVar):
self.varCoefs[left] = identitySub(left)
self.nRows = len(left.indices)
if left.name not in self.varNames:
self.parentVarDims[left.name] = left.parentDim
# No coefs for right op
if isinstance(right, CyLPVar):
if right in self.varCoefs.keys():
self.varCoefs[right] *= -1
coef = identitySub(right)
if opr == '-':
coef *= -1
self.varCoefs[right] = coef
self.nRows = len(right.indices)
#if self.nRows == 0:
# self.nRows = 1
# coef = CyLPArray(np.ones(right.dim))
#elif self.nRows == 1:
# coef = CyLPArray(np.ones(1))
# coef = np.matrix(np.eye(self.nRows))
#if opr == '-':
# coef *= -1
#self.varCoefs[right] = coef
if right.name not in self.varNames:
self.parentVarDims[right.name] = \
# check if no coef for left
if left.__class__ == CyLPVar and (opr == '-' or opr == '+'):
if left.dim == 0 :
self.isRange = False
#ones = CyLPArray(np.ones(left.dim))
#self.varCoefs[left] = ones
#self.nRows = 1
self.varCoefs[left] = identitySub(left)
self.nRows = len(left.indices)
if left.name not in self.varNames:
self.parentVarDims[left.name] = left.parentDim
# Coef already set for the right operand
if right.__class__ == CyLPExpr:
if opr == '-':
# The expression on the right is in the form (left opr right)
# so the key to the coef in self.varCoefs is right.right i.e.
# the CyLPVar on the right
#if right.right.dim == 0:
# return
self.isRange = False
self.mul(right, -1)
#self.varCoefs[right.right] *= -1
if opr == '*' and isNumber(left):
self.mul(right, left)
if opr in ('<=', '>=', '=='):
if isinstance(left, CyLPExpr) and not isinstance(right,
bound = right
elif isinstance(right, CyLPExpr) and not isinstance(left,
bound = left
raise Exception('At least one side of a comparison sign' \
'should be constant.')
# FIXME: check this: I suppose never runs
if self.isRange:
var = self.variables[0]
self.nRows = var.parentDim
dim = var.parentDim
#if not self.nRows:
#self.nRows = left.parentDim
#dim = left.parentDim
# # FIXME: Think of the correct way to check bound dimensions
# if (not isinstance(right, (float, long, int)) and
# right.shape[0] != self.nRows):
# #raise Exception('Bound dim: %d, expected dim: %d '
# # % (right.shape[0], self.nRows))
# pass
dim = self.nRows
if isNumber(right):
bound = CyLPArray(right * np.ones(dim))
if self.isRange:
if ((opr in ('>=', '==') and isinstance(left, CyLPExpr)) or
(opr in ('<=', '==') and isinstance(right, CyLPExpr))):
if var.parent:
var.parent.lower[var.indices] = bound
var.lower[var.indices] = bound
if ((opr in ('<=', '==') and isinstance(left, CyLPExpr)) or
(opr in ('>=', '==') and isinstance(right, CyLPExpr))):
if var.parent:
var.parent.upper[var.indices] = bound
var.upper[var.indices] = bound
if ((opr in ('>=', '==') and isinstance(left, CyLPExpr)) or
(opr in ('<=', '==') and isinstance(right, CyLPExpr))):
self.lower = bound
if self.upper == None:
self.upper = getCoinInfinity() * np.ones(len(bound))
if ((opr in ('<=', '==') and isinstance(left, CyLPExpr)) or
(opr in ('>=', '==') and isinstance(right, CyLPExpr))):
self.upper = bound
if self.lower == None:
self.lower = -getCoinInfinity() * np.ones(len(bound))
[docs]class CyLPVar(CyLPExpr):
Contains variable information such as its name, dimension,
bounds, and whether or not it is an integer. We don't creat
instances directly but rather use :py:func:`CyLPModel.addVariable`
to create one.
See the :ref:`modeling example <modeling-usage>`.
def __init__(self, name, dim, isInt=False, fromInd=None, toInd=None):
self.name = name
self.dims = None
if isinstance(dim, tuple):
self.dim = dim = reduce(mul, dim)
self.parentDim = dim
self.dim = dim
self.parentDim = dim
self.parent = None
self.isInt = isInt
self.expr = self
self.lower = -getCoinInfinity() * np.ones(dim)
self.upper = getCoinInfinity() * np.ones(dim)
self.indices = range(dim)
self.fromInd = self.toInd = None
if fromInd and toInd:
self.indices = range(fromInd, toInd)
self.formInd = fromInd
self.toInd = toInd
def __repr__(self):
s = self.name
if self.fromInd and self.toInd:
s += '[%d:%d]' % (self.fromInd, self.toInd)
elif self.parent != None and len(self.indices) == 1:
s += '[%d]' % self.indices
return s
def setDims(self, ds):
self.dims = ds
def __getitem__(self, key):
if type(key) == int:
newObj = CyLPVar(self.name, 1)
newObj.indices = np.array([key], np.int32)
newObj.parentDim = self.dim
newObj.parent = self
newObj.dim = 1
elif type(key) == slice:
newObj_fromInd = key.start
if key.stop > self.dim:
newObj_toInd = self.dim
newObj_toInd = key.stop
newObj = CyLPVar(self.name, newObj_toInd - newObj_fromInd)
newObj.parentDim = self.dim
newObj.parent = self
newObj.fromInd = newObj_fromInd
newObj.toInd = newObj_toInd
newObj.indices = np.arange(newObj.fromInd, newObj.toInd,
# Save parentDim for future use
newObj.dim = len(newObj.indices)
elif isinstance(key, (np.ndarray, list)):
newObj = CyLPVar(self.name, len(key))
newObj.parentDim = self.dim
newObj.parent = self
newObj.fromInd = None
newObj.toInd = None
newObj.indices = np.array(key)
newObj.dim = len(newObj.indices)
elif isinstance(key, tuple):
inds = []
n = range(len(key))
for i in n:
k = key[i]
if isinstance(k, int):
inds.append(Ind(slice(k, k+1), self.dims[i]))
inds.append(Ind(k, self.dims[i]))
newObj = self.__getitem__(getMultiDimMatrixIndex(inds))
return newObj
def sum(self):
v = CyLPExpr(opr="sum", right=self)
v.expr = v
self.expr = v
return v
[docs]class CyLPArray(np.ndarray):
It is a tweaked Numpy array. It allows user to define objects
comparability to an array. If we have an instance of ``CyLPVar``
called ``x`` and a numpy array ``b``, then ``b >= x`` returns an array
of the same dimension as ``b`` with all elements equal to ``False``,
which has no sense at all. On the constrary ``CyLPArray`` will return
``NotImplemented`` if it doesn't know how to compare. This is particularly
helpful when we define LP constraints.
See the :ref:`modeling example <modeling-usage>`.
def __new__(cls, input_array, info=None):
# Input array is an already formed ndarray instance
# We first cast to be our class type
obj = np.asarray(input_array).view(cls)
# add the new attribute to the created instance
obj.__le__ = CyLPArray.__le__
obj.__ge__ = CyLPArray.__ge__
return obj
def __le__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__le__(self, other)
def __ge__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__ge__(self, other)
def __mul__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__mul__(self, other)
def __rmul__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__rmul__(self, other)
def __add__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__add__(self, other)
def __radd__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__radd__(self, other)
def __rsub__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__rsub__(self, other)
def __sub__(self, other):
if (issubclass(other.__class__, CyLPExpr)):
return NotImplemented
return np.ndarray.__sub__(self, other)
[docs]class IndexFactory:
A small class that keeps track of the indices of variables and constraints
that you are adding to a problem gradually.
>>> import numpy as np
>>> from CyLP.py.modeling.CyLPModel import IndexFactory
>>> i = IndexFactory()
>>> i.addVar('x', 10)
>>> i.addVar('y', 5)
>>> i.hasVar('x')
>>> (i.varIndex['y'] == np.arange(10, 15)).all()
>>> i.addConst('Manpower', 4)
>>> i.addConst('Gold', 10)
>>> (i.constIndex['Manpower'] == np.arange(4)).all()
>>> (i.constIndex['Gold'] == np.arange(4, 14)).all()
def __init__(self):
self.varIndex = {}
self.constIndex = {}
self.currentVarIndex = 0
self.currentConstIndex = 0
def addVar(self, varName, numberOfVars):
if numberOfVars == 0:
if not varName:
raise Exception('You must specify a name for a variable.')
if varName in self.varIndex.keys():
print 'Variable already exists.'
#self.varIndex[varName] += range(self.currentVarIndex,
# self.currentVarIndex +
# numberOfVars)
self.varIndex[varName] = np.arange(self.currentVarIndex,
self.currentVarIndex +
numberOfVars, dtype='int32')
self.currentVarIndex += numberOfVars
def removeVar(self, name):
if not self.hasVar(name):
raise Exception('Variable "%s" does not exist.' % name)
nVars = len(self.varIndex[name])
start = self.varIndex[name][0]
del self.varIndex[name]
for varName in self.varIndex.keys():
inds = self.varIndex[varName]
if inds[0] > start:
self.varIndex[varName] = inds - nVars * np.ones(len(inds),
def hasVar(self, varName):
return varName in self.varIndex.keys()
def hasConst(self, constName):
return constName in self.constIndex
def getLastVarIndex(self):
return self.currentVarIndex - 1
def addConst(self, constName, numberOfConsts):
if numberOfConsts == 0:
if not constName:
raise Exception('You must specify a name for a constraint.')
if self.hasConst(constName):
print 'Constraint already exists: %s' % constName
#self.constIndex[constName] += range(self.currentConstIndex,
# self.currentConstIndex + numberOfConsts)
self.constIndex[constName] = np.arange(self.currentConstIndex,
self.currentConstIndex +
numberOfConsts, dtype='int32')
self.currentConstIndex += numberOfConsts
def removeConst(self, name):
if not self.hasConst(name):
raise Exception('Constraint "%s" does not exist.' % name)
nCons = len(self.constIndex[name])
start = self.constIndex[name][0]
del self.constIndex[name]
for constName in self.constIndex.keys():
inds = self.constIndex[constName]
if inds[0] > start:
self.constIndex[constName] = inds - nCons * np.ones(len(inds),
def getLastConstIndex(self):
return self.currentConstIndex - 1
def __repr__(self):
varind = self.varIndex
cind = self.constIndex
s = "variables : \n"
for vname, rg in varind.items():
s += '%s : %s\n' % (vname.rjust(15), str(rg))
s += '\n'
s += "constraints : \n"
for cname, rg in cind.items():
s += '%s : %s\n' % (cname.rjust(15), str(rg))
return s
[docs] def reverseVarSearch(self, ind):
Take an index and return the corresponding variable name.
inds = self.varIndex
for key in inds.keys():
if ind in inds[key]:
i = np.where(inds[key]==ind)[0][0]
return key, i
return -1, -1
from CyLP.py.utils.sparseUtil import sparseConcat, csr_matrixPlus, csc_matrixPlus
[docs]class CyLPModel(object):
Hold all the necessary information to create a linear program, i.e.
variables, constraints, and the objective function.
See the :ref:`modeling example <modeling-usage>`.
def __init__(self):
self.variables = []
self.constraints = []
self.objective_ = None
self.inds = IndexFactory()
self.nVars = 0
self.varNames = []
self.nCons = 0
self.pvdims = {}
[docs] def addVariable(self, name, dim, isInt=False):
Create a new instance of :py:class:`CyLPVar` using the given
arguments and add it to current model's variable list.
if dim == 0:
var = CyLPVar(name, dim, isInt)
#If mulidim, correct dim
if isinstance(dim, tuple):
dim = reduce(mul, dim)
if not self.inds.hasVar(var.name):
self.inds.addVar(var.name, dim)
self.nVars += dim
self.pvdims[var.name] = dim
if var.dims:
var.mpsNames = [var.name + '_' + '_'.join(x) for x in \
product(*[map(str, range(i)) for i in var.dims])]
var.mpsNames = ['%s_%s' % (var.name, i) for i in xrange(var.dim)]
o = self.objective_
if isinstance(o, np.ndarray):
o = np.concatenate((o, np.zeros(dim)), axis=0)
o = sparseConcat(o, csr_matrixPlus(np.zeros(dim)), 'h')
self.objective_ = csr_matrixPlus(o)
raise Exception('Varaible %s already exists.' % var.name)
return var
def removeVariable(self, name):
Remove a variable named ``name`` from the model
if not self.inds.hasVar(name):
raise Exception('Variable "%s" does not exist.' % name)
self.nVars -= self.pvdims[name]
start = self.inds.varIndex[name][0]
end = start + self.pvdims[name]
o = self.objective_
if isinstance(o, np.ndarray):
o = np.concatenate((o[:start], o[end:]), axis=0)
if end == o.shape[1]:
if start == 0:
print 'Problem empty.'
o = o[0, :start]
elif start == 0:
o = o[0, end:]
o = sparseConcat(o[0, :start], o[0, end:], how='h')
self.objective_ = csr_matrixPlus(o)
del self.pvdims[name]
for i in range(len(self.variables)):
var = self.variables[i]
if var.name == name:
del self.variables[i]
#Removing the variable from the constraints
cons = self.constraints
for c in cons:
if name in c.varNames:
del c.parentVarDims[name]
for v in c.varCoefs.keys():
if v.name == name:
del c.varCoefs[v]
for c in cons[:]:
if not c.varCoefs:
def getVarByName(self, varName):
Return a variable with name ``varName``.
for var in self.variables:
if var.name == varName:
return var
return None
def makeIndexFactory(self):
self.allVarNames = []
varNameDict = {} #copy of allVarNames in dictionary form, for efficiency
self.allParentVarDims = {}
self.nRows = 0
for c in self.constraints:
# Make sure to add variables in the same order they were
# added to CyLPModel
for var in self.variables:
for vname in c.varNames:
if vname == var.name and vname not in varNameDict:
self.allVarNames += [vname]
varNameDict[vname] = True
self.nRows += c.nRows
def objective(self):
return self.objective_
def objective(self, obj):
if isinstance(obj, CyLPExpr):
self.objective_ = obj.evaluate()
obj = None
#for varName in self.allVarNames:
for varName in self.varNames:
v_coef = self.generateVarObjCoef(varName)
obj = sparseConcat(obj, v_coef, how='h')
self.objective_ = obj
def __iadd__(self, cons):
Call :meth:`addConstraint`. The only difference is that
you cannot specify a name for your constraint.
return self
[docs] def addConstraint(self, cons, consName=''):
Add constraint ``cons`` to the ``CyLPModel``. Argument ``cons`` must
be an expresion made using instances of :py:class:`CyLPVar`,
:py:class:`CyLPArray`, Numpy matrices, or sparse matrices. It can
use normal operators such as ``>=``, ``<=``, ``==``, ``+``, ``-``,
See the :ref:`modeling example <modeling-usage>`.
c = cons.evaluate(consName)
if not c.isRange:
if c.name:
self.inds.addConst(c.name, c.nRows)
self.nCons += c.nRows
c.mpsNames = []
for i in xrange(c.nRows):
c.mpsNames.append('%s_%s' % (c.name, str(i)))
return c
def removeConstraint(self, name):
Remove constraint called ``name`` and return its CLP indices back
for actual removal.
if not self.inds.hasConst(name):
raise Exception('Constraint "%s" does not exist.' % name)
for i in range(len(self.constraints)):
if self.constraints[i].name == name:
con = self.constraints[i]
self.nCons -= con.nRows
del self.constraints[i]
indsOfConstriantsToBeRemoved = self.inds.constIndex[name]
return indsOfConstriantsToBeRemoved
def generateVarObjCoef(self, varName):
#dim = self.allParentVarDims[varName]
dim = self.pvdims[varName]
coef = csr_matrixPlus((1, dim))
obj = self.objective_
keys = [k for k in obj.varCoefs.keys() if k.name == varName]
for var in keys:
coef = coef + obj.varCoefs[var]
return coef
def generateVarMatrix(self, varName):
Create the coefficient matrix for a variable named
varName. Return a csr_matrixPlus.
#dim = self.allParentVarDims[varName]
dim = self.pvdims[varName]
mainCoef = None
for c in self.constraints:
coef = sparse.coo_matrix((c.nRows, dim))
keys = [k for k in c.varCoefs.keys() if k.name == varName]
for var in keys:
coef = coef + c.varCoefs[var]
mainCoef = sparseConcat(mainCoef, coef, 'v')
return mainCoef
def makeMatrices(self):
Makes coef matrix and rhs vector from CyLPConstraints
in self.constraints
#if len(self.constraints) == 0:
# return
# Create the aggregated coef matrix
masterCoefMat = None
masterCoefMat = None
if self.nCons > 0:
for varName in self.varNames:# self.pvdims.keys():#self.allVarNames:
vmat = self.generateVarMatrix(varName)
if vmat == None:
vmat = csc_matrixPlus((self.nCons, self.pvdims[varName]))
masterCoefMat = sparseConcat(masterCoefMat, vmat, 'h')
# Create bound vectors
c_lower = np.array([])
c_upper = np.array([])
for c in self.constraints:
if not c.isRange:
c_lower = np.concatenate((c_lower, c.lower), axis=0)
c_upper = np.concatenate((c_upper, c.upper), axis=0)
# Create variables bound vectors
v_lower = np.array([])
v_upper = np.array([])
if self.nVars:
v_lower = -getCoinInfinity() * np.ones(self.nVars)
v_upper = getCoinInfinity() * np.ones(self.nVars)
for v in self.variables:
varinds = self.inds.varIndex[v.name]
v_lower[varinds] = v.lower
v_upper[varinds] = v.upper
#v_lower = np.concatenate((v_lower, v.lower), axis=0)
#v_upper = np.concatenate((v_upper, v.upper), axis=0)
#if masterCoefMat != None:
return masterCoefMat, c_lower, c_upper, v_lower, v_upper
class CyLPSolution:
def __init__(self):
self.sol = {}
def add(self, key, val):
'Add (key, val) to self.dic. Ignore if val is zero'
if val == 0: # See if necessary to use a tolerance
self.sol[key] = val
def getVal(self, key):
'Return the value corresponing key'
if key not in self.sol.keys():
return 0
return self.sol[key]
def __getitem__(self, key):
#if isinstance(key, tuple):
if key in self.sol.keys():
return self.sol[key]
return 0
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
#if isinstance(key, tuple):
if val == 0: # See if necessary to use a tolerance
self.sol[key] = val
def __repr__(self):
return repr(self.sol)
def getCoinInfinity():
return 1.79769313486e+308
if __name__ == '__main__':
from CyLP.cy import CyClpSimplex
from CyLP.py.modeling.CyLPModel import CyLPArray
s = CyClpSimplex()
x = s.addVariable('x', (5, 3, 6))
s += 2 * x[2, :, 3].sum() + 3 * x[0, 1, :].sum() >= 5
s += 0 <= x <= 1
c = CyLPArray(range(18))
s.objective = c * x[2, :, :] + c * x[0, :, :]
sol = s.primalVariableSolution
print sol
#model = CyLPModel()
#x = model.addVariable('x', 5)
#y = model.addVariable('y', 4)
#z = model.addVariable('z', 5)
#b = CyLPArray([3.1, 4.2])
#aa = np.matrix([[1, 2, 3, 3, 4], [3, 2, 1, 2, 5]])
#aa = np.matrix([[0, 0, 0, -1.5, -1.5], [-3, 0, 0, -2,0 ]])
#dd = np.matrix([[1, 3, 1, 4], [2, 1,3, 5]])
#model.addConstraint(1.5 <= x[1:3] + 5 * y[3:] - 6 * x[2:5] + x[0] <= 14)
#print model.constraints[0].varCoefs
#model.addConstraint(2 <= aa*x + dd * y <= b)
#model.addConstraint(x[2:4] >= 3)
#model.addConstraint(1.1 <= y <= CyLPArray([1,2,3,4]))
#A = model.makeMatrices()
#print 'x:'
#print x.lower
#print x.upper
#print 'y:'
#print y.lower
#print y.upper
#print '+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++'
##cc = x[0] - 2*x[1:3] -2.5 * y[1]
##cc = cc.evaluate()
#model.objective = x[0] - 2*x[1:3] -2.5 * y[1]
##print model.allParentVarDims
##print model.generateVarObjCoef('x')
##print model.generateVarObjCoef('y')
#print model.objective
##print cl
##print cu